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An Explanation of Mohs Surgery

Feb 23, 2012

As Mohs chemosurgery becomes more well-known, many patients diagnosed with skin cancer are requesting it specifically. Take a look at this video to learn a little more about what this innovative surgery entails.

In a Mohs procedure, areas of skin cancer are carefully scraped out and tiny samples of skin are taken from around the perimeter of the cancer. These samples are immediately examined for cancer. Mohs surgery does not require the removal of a significant amount of healthy tissue, making it perfect for small areas, such as around the eyelids, that do not have a lot of excess skin.

If you’re interested in Mohs surgery as a skin cancer treatment option, call Arlington Dermatology today to set up a consultation. Dr. Altman, our experienced Mohs surgeon, can help you decide if this surgery is the best way to combat your cancer. Call 847-392-5440 today for an appointment.