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A Look at the Types of Psoriasis

May 16, 2012

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that typically results in raised, red, and flaky patches of skin. Most individuals will be affected by just one type of psoriasis; however, in rare circumstances, it is possible to be affected by more than one form of this condition.

Plaque Psoriasis

As the most common type of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis affects as much as 80-90% of psoriasis sufferers. The unique symptoms of plaque psoriasis include thick, red patches that are covered with silvery, flaky scales. Most plaque psoriasis sufferers are affected on the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.

Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis is the second most common form of psoriasis and is characterized by small pink-red patches on the skin that are the size of water drops. Typically, guttate psoriasis affects the torso and limbs. Guttate psoriasis often first appears in childhood or in early adulthood. The symptoms of guttate psoriasis may come on quickly and can be triggered in several ways.

Inverse Psoriasis

Typified by bright red, smooth, and sometimes shiny patches of skin, inverse psoriasis often affects the groin, armpits, and areas of overlapping skin. Sweating and rubbing can aggravate the areas affected by inverse psoriasis due to the location of the patches of affected skin.

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis presents as white blisters of non-infected pus, surrounded by irritated, red skin. Initially, red areas appear and are then followed by pustules and scaling. Pustular psoriasis can be brought on by a wide array of triggers, from pregnancy to the use of systemic medications.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

As the most serious form of psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis should be evaluated by a physician immediately. Erythrodermic psoriasis is typified by inflammatory, fiery redness that affects most of the body. When the patches shed, they do so in sheets as opposed to flakes. In addition, symptoms of a flare-up may include itching and pain, increased heart rate, and swings in body temperature.

If you are showing signs of psoriasis in Arlington Heights, call Arlington Dermatology to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians today at [company-phone id=1]. Our dermatologists and staff utilize the newest technology and techniques to satisfy your skin care needs.

psoriasis on legs