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Learn How Altman Dermatology Can Help!

Apr 3, 2013

Psoriasis and excessive sweating can cause worry and feelings of low self-esteem. You can learn more about these conditions and how your dermatologist can help you treat them for more confidence and better health by clicking through these websites:

  • Diagnosing hyperhidrosis is the first step in beginning effective treatment. provides a list of factors to consider if you think you may have hyperhidrosis to help you speak with your dermatologist about your condition.
  • If you’d like to learn more about the best skin care products for psoriasis, visit and ask your dermatologist what he recommends for you.
  • When does excessive sweating signal an underlying medical problem? This article on describes signs that indicate your hyperhidrosis may be a symptom of something more.
  • What are your treatment options for hyperhidrosis? Check out the Mayo Clinic’s website to learn more about how excessive sweating is treated.

At Arlington Dermatology, you’ll find the personalized attention and quality care you need for treatment of a variety of skin diseases and conditions. Our dermatologists provide treatment for psoriasis, hyperhidrosis, skin cancer, acne, and more, as well as cosmetic procedures including Botox, Juvederm, and therapy for varicose and spider veins. Call us at [company-phone id=1] or visit our website for more skin care tips and information.

woman smiling at her reflection in mirror