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Exploring the Common Types of Skin Growths

Sep 18, 2013

Benign skin growths do not threaten your health and may form for many reasons. Many of these conditions are associated with age, sun exposure, or other environmental factors. If you have questions about a skin growth or want to consider having it removed, contact your dermatologist for more information.


Moles are extremely common skin growths that occur when the cells in the skin responsible for pigmentation grow in a cluster rather than spread out evenly across the skin. Moles may be small, large, solitary, or appear in groups. Some moles change with time and age, becoming raised and growing larger or smaller. Because changes in moles can be indicative of skin cancer , it’s best to schedule a visit to your dermatologist if you notice any moles on your skin that appear to be changing.


A hemangioma, sometimes called a strawberry mark or cherry angioma, is a bright red nodule on the skin that appears as a birthmark on newborn babies. Although a hemangioma may grow during a child’s first year of life, it later recedes and is often gone by the age of ten. Unless a hemangioma affects a child’s ability to breathe, speak, eat, or see, it is typically left untreated and allowed to disappear on its own.

Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts appear as small lumps or bumps just beneath the surface of the skin. These cysts grow slowly and are caused by secretions from the skin glands responsible for creating oil, called the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous cysts tend to appear on the face, neck, trunk, and genitalia. They are not associated with genital herpes or skin cancer, although sebaceous cysts may be mistaken for these conditions. If you have a question about a cyst or growth, your dermatologist can confirm whether it is benign or malignant.

Arlington Dermatology offers treatment and removal of skin growths and other conditions, including skin cancer. Call us today at [company-phone id=1] to find out more about how we can help you care for your skin. Click through our blog for more skin care tips and information.

doctor examining mole on patient's back