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A Quick Look at the Rejuvenize Chemical Peel

Oct 2, 2013

Chemical peels are used for either cosmetic or medical purposes. A chemical peel rejuvenates the skin by removing the upper layers of dead, damaged, or worn skin cells, revealing the fresh and healthy skin beneath. The Rejuvenize chemical peel from Altman Dermatology is comprised of salicylic and lactic acids. These powerful ingredients combine to reverse the effects of aging and environmental damage on your skin. After a short application process requiring less than 15 minutes in our office, you will leave the chemical peel on your face for approximately two hours before rinsing. You can expect peeling of the outer layers of your skin for up to one week, after which your skin will appear fresher, smoother, and younger. For maximal results, you can choose a series of Rejuvenize chemical peels that are repeated every three to eight weeks.

Are you interested in healthier, younger-looking skin? Arlington Dermatology can help—we offer a variety of cosmetic dermatology procedures including chemical peels, Microdermabrasion, and cosmetic injectables in Arlington Heights, Palatine, and Buffalo Grove. Call our skin care center at [company-phone id=1] or click through our website for more information about our dermatologists and treatment options.

chemical peel