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Understanding the Difference Between Blackheads and Whiteheads

Feb 20, 2014

Understanding the skin is the best way to keep it looking great. Certain skin conditions can cause you to break out if not properly treated. Blackheads and whiteheads both affect the skin’s appearance. Learning the differences between these two conditions is an important aspect of acne treatment:


Blackheads develop inside of the hair follicles. Since they have a large opening at the end, they pave the way for sebum and bacteria to gather right at the surface of the skin. If these areas are not thoroughly cleaned, they will change the surrounding skin pigment to a darker color. If you have blackheads, talk to your dermatologist about cleansing products that get rid of dead skin cells. You should also use a toner that deeply cleanses the skin and keeps the pores from getting clogged, which would lead to more blackheads. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water and try to stay away from products that contain a lot of oil.


While blackheads develop on the surface of the skin, whiteheads form underneath the hair follicle. They never emerge past the skin surface, but they can be more difficult to reach. Whiteheads occur when closed pores get clogged with sebum and other pieces of cells. If you have whiteheads, your dermatologist will try to open the pores to clear them out. A diet full of fruits and vegetables can help you avoid developing white heads. Use caution with products that might contain excess oil like sunscreen.

If you have skin trouble, the experts at Arlington Dermatology can help you figure out the skin care treatment for you. Whether you have acne or a chronic skin disease, we can help you find a treatment plan that brings real results. To learn more about our procedures and products or to make an appointment, visit us online or call [company-phone id=1].

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