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Preventing Summer Skin Problems

Aug 26, 2014

Summer is a great time for enjoying the outdoors, but it’s not such a welcome season for your skin. Hot temperatures, bright sunlight, and dehydration can trigger a long list of skin woes that may have you running for your dermatologist. Here is a look at some of summer’s most common skin problems and what you can do to prevent them.

Yeast Infections

There is yeast living on your skin all year long, but heat, sweat, and humidity during summer can lead to an infection. You’ll know you have a yeast infection if you notice tan-colored scales on your chest, neck, or other area of the body. One of the best ways to beat yeast infections is to keep your skin very clean. Anytime you get sweaty, jump into the shower to rinse off as soon as you can. You can also cut your yeast infection risk by using a soap that contains pyrithione zinc, which discourages yeast growth. If you find that home treatments aren’t working or that your yeast infections keep coming back, see your dermatologist.


Enjoying outdoor activities during the summer increases your risk of coming into contact with plants that can cause skin irritation. This type of skin reaction is called contact dermatitis. Poison ivy and poison oak are two common offenders, but many other plants can also cause contact dermatitis, including flowers like chrysanthemums and lavender. Avoiding these irritants is the best way to avoid contact dermatitis, so be especially vigilant when camping and try to avoid tall grass. If you do get contact dermatitis and over-the-counter remedies fail to provide relief, see your dermatologist.


During the summer, insect populations tend to swell, along with your risk of suffering from bug bites. How much you get bitten is largely based on your lipid make-up, which isn’t something you can change. However, you can use repellants that contain DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil to keep biting bugs away. Bites that are painful should be checked out by your dermatologist.

Let Arlington Dermatology help if you fall victim to summer skin problems. Our dermatologists deal with everything from acne to skin cancer in our patient-friendly facility. To make an appointment at our skin care center, call [company-phone id=1].

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