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Common Dermatological Conditions Associated with Diabetes

Sep 15, 2015

Almost 30 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes. Along with this diagnosis, dermatological conditions can arise. Fortunately, visiting a dermatologist in Arlington Heights can help those with a diabetes diagnosis get proper treatment. If you are one of the 30 million people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, continue reading to learn about common dermatological conditions that are associated with the disease.

Rashes and Blisters

When you have diabetes, rashes can be common at the insulin injection site. Along with rashes where an individual injects his or her insulin, a rash called disseminated granuloma annulare can become present. This type of rash often appears on one’s finger, ears, chest, or abdomen. Diabetic blisters, also known as bullosis diabeticorum, are more rare than rashes, but can occur in people with diabetes. These blisters show on skin as though they were burn blisters and can occur on an individual’s hands, forearms, feet, and legs.

Changed Pigmentation

A skin condition like vitiligo affects the skin pigmentation of individuals with diabetes. Vitiligo is more common in those who have type 1diabetes, but type 2 patients can still be affected. This condition will result in patches of skin with discoloration, as the pigment cells are destroyed. Acanothosis nigricans is another condition that can lead to skin darkening and thickening in those with diabetes.

Bacterial and Fungal Infections

People with diabetes are often affected by bacterial infections on their skin. Staphylococcus is a common and serious bacterial infection that can occur in individuals who do not have their diabetes under control. Along with being more susceptible to bacterial infections, fungal infections occur in patients with diabetes. Candida is usually to blame for fungal skin infections in those with diabetes. Seeking the help of a dermatologist can help your skin infections begin to heal.

If you are suffering from skin conditions due to diabetes, contact Arlington Dermatology at [company-phone id=1]. We have been serving patients in the Arlington Heights community for over 40 years. Whether you are in need of an acne treatment or looking to treat a more serious skin condition, our expert staff is here to help you.

woman scratching her arm