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How is Psoriasis Diagnosed?

Sep 22, 2015

Without a proper diagnosis of a skin condition, one can experience anxiety and worry. However, working with a dermatologist in Arlington Heights can help you diagnose your skin condition so you can start treatment and gain peace of mind. To learn about skin condition diagnosis, read on to learn how a dermatologist diagnoses psoriasis.


If your dermatologist suspects that you may have psoriasis, he or she will look at your medical history. Making sure that your skin specialist has access to your medical files will speed up this process. If you think you have psoriasis, getting your medical records to your dermatologist prior to your first appointment can help to get your diagnosis more quickly. In some cases, your dermatologist will be able to diagnose you purely from your medical history and a quick exam.


Oftentimes a dermatologist can diagnose psoriasis from a physical examination. During this examination, your skin specialist will look at the affected areas. He or she will examine your skin, nails, and scalp to determine if you appear to have psoriasis. If your dermatologist is able to diagnose you on the spot, a psoriasis treatment can also be started.

Skin Biopsy

Although rare, sometimes your dermatologist may not be able to diagnose your psoriasis from your medical history and a physical examination alone. If this occurs, your dermatologist will need to perform a skin biopsy. He or she will examine a small sample of your skin under a microscope to determine the kind of psoriasis you may have, as well as eliminate the possibility of other diseases. If a biopsy is needed, it can be performed in the dermatologist’s office with local anesthetic. Once your skin specialist examines your biopsy, a diagnosis can be made.

If you are concerned about a possible skin condition, call Arlington Dermatology at [company-phone id=1]. Our expert staff can help you diagnose and treat your skin condition today. For over 40 years we have been diagnosing and treating our community with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Contact us today to start the process of easing your worries about your undiagnosed skin conditions.

doctor talking with patient