Psoriasis is a skin condition caused by skin cells building up to form scales that turn into dry, itchy patches. It is extremely common and affects millions of people. While psoriasis cannot be cured, there are many different psoriasis treatments available to minimize outbreaks and make symptoms more manageable. There are also a variety of factors that contribute to more frequent psoriasis outbreaks. Many of these factors can be controlled, such as diet and nutrition. However, there are other factors, such as weather, that can affect psoriasis and are out of your control. Understanding how weather affects psoriasis can help to manage symptoms. Keep reading to learn more about how weather affects psoriasis.
Spring and Summer
In the warmer months of spring and summer, psoriasis sufferers may notice that skin problems subside. There is some speculation as to why this occurs. Some believe that because a person wears less clothing in warmer temperatures, there are fewer layers to irritate the skin. Also with summer clothing, like shorts and sundresses, more skin is exposed to the sun. Ultraviolet light from the sun can help reduce psoriasis outbreaks. On the other hand, overexposure can actually make the condition worse, so it is best to experiment with different lengths of exposure to find what is right for you.
Fall and Winter
Unlike the benefits of warm weather and increased sunlight in spring and summer, fall and winter can negatively affect psoriasis. Aside from less access to sunlight, there are other factors at play. Mainly, in colder months the air is much drier, which is a major cause of psoriasis symptoms. Dry skin can easily become irritated, making breakouts more common. Also, during colder months, there is a greater chance of catching the common cold or the flu. When you are sick, your immune system becomes compromised, making it easier for psoriasis to flare up.
To learn more about how weather can affect psoriasis or about psoriasis treatment in Arlington Heights, visit Arlington Dermatology. Our dermatologists are able to treat skin conditions from psoriasis to warts to eczema. Contact us at [company-phone id=1] to make an appointment or to learn about psoriasis treatment.