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Treating Shingles

Apr 21, 2016

Shingles is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus, which is also responsible for chicken pox. This condition typically develops in adulthood, and often forms an unpleasant rash that should be evaluated and treated by your dermatologist.

This video takes a closer look at the signs and symptoms of shingles, as well as the best treatment options for the painful rash most patients experience. A dermatologist can evaluate your rash to determine the right treatment plan for you, which may include antiviral medication, cold compresses, calamine lotion, and bandaging the areas affected by the rash.

Your dermatologist at Arlington Dermatology is your best resource for clinical and cosmetic dermatology information. We offer a wide range of dermatology services, including shingles treatment, acne treatment, rosacea treatment, and psoriasis treatment in Arlington Heights. You can reach us by phone at [company-phone id=1] or visit our website to schedule an appointment.