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Treatment Options for Rosacea

Jan 11, 2017

Rosacea is a common condition that can affect the appearance of your skin with persistent redness and a flushed appearance. If your dermatologist has diagnosed you with rosacea, then watch the video to learn more about this embarrassing skin condition.

Treatment options for rosacea depend on the type of rosacea you have. For example, facial redness can often only be treated with laser therapies. The two subtypes that affect your face with eye irritation or bumps and pimples can be treated with antibiotics and creams. One of the most damaging types of rosacea affects the nose with enlargement, and this can only be treated through surgery.

Learn more about rosacea, acne treatment , and cosmetic dermatology with your dermatologist in Arlington Heights. Arlington Dermatology is intent on treating our patients’ skin conditions and concerns, so please call us at [company-phone id=1] to schedule your consultation.