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Debunking Persistent Myths About Psoriasis

Oct 19, 2017

If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis, then you may have questions about your condition due to the level of misinformation that is available. Read on to learn the truth behind some of the myths that dermatologists hear about psoriasis.

Myth #1: Psoriasis is only skin deep.

Because the symptoms of psoriasis typically manifest on the skin, it’s common for people to assume that it is a skin condition. In truth, psoriasis is thought to be an autoimmune disease. Also, this condition can affect more than just the skin. For example, nail psoriasis can cause abnormal nail growth, and psoriatic arthritis causes both skin and joint symptoms. Additionally, people who have psoriasis can suffer emotionally because of their symptoms. In fact, individuals who have psoriasis are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety than those without the disease.

Myth #2: You can catch psoriasis from someone else.

Psoriasis is not a contagious condition. This means that, even if you touch or share food with someone who has psoriasis, you will not contract this skin disease.

Myth #3: You can cure your psoriasis.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for psoriasis. However, you can take steps to manage your symptoms. Some of the lifestyle habits that may improve your psoriasis symptoms include moisturizing your skin, bathing daily, avoiding hot water, and determining and then avoiding your triggers. Some commonly reported psoriasis triggers include smoking, stress, alcohol, and dry weather.

Myth #4: Psoriasis is easy to diagnose.

Many psoriasis symptoms are similar to those of other conditions, making diagnosis a challenge in some cases. Among the most common symptoms of psoriasis are red and scaly skin, dry and cracked skin, swollen joints, thickened or ridged nails, and itchy, burning, or sore skin.

Do you need psoriasis treatment in Arlington Heights? If so, then please come and see us at Arlington Dermatology. To schedule your appointment with our dermatologist, call [company-phone id=1].

psoriasis on elbows