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FAQs About Skin Scars

Jul 12, 2018

Scars are frequently left in the wake of injuries to the skin, from minor cuts to major burns. Although scars are not harmful, they can be frustrating, and most people who have them wish that they weren’t there. There aren’t any treatments that can make a scar vanish completely, but your dermatologist can recommend cosmetic procedures that can greatly reduce their appearance. If you have scars, here are the answers to some questions you may.

What causes scarring?

When you injure your skin, a scar is part of how your skin heals. If the dermis layer of your skin is affected by an injury, your body will produce a protein called collagen in order to rebuild the part of the skin that was damaged. This collagen, which is fibrous, causes the scar to form. Scars look and feel different from the tissue that surrounds them, but the way they look depends on many different factors, including the type of injury and where it is located. Age, sex, and ethnicity also impact the appearance of scars.

What are the different types of scars?

There are many different kinds of scars. Your dermatologist will determine what kind of scar you have before settling on a treatment plan. Some of the most common kinds include:

  • Keloid scars: These scars are raised and often extend beyond the site of the original injury. Depending on their location, they can interfere with your range of motion.
  • Contracture scars: Contracture scars occur after a burn and can affect both skin and muscle.
  • Hypertrophic scars: These scars are red and are often raised. They do not affect skin outside of the area of the injury.
  • Acne scars: Acne causes pitted scars and skin discolorations.

What treatments are available?

The right treatment for you will depend on the kind of scar you have. In some cases, topical treatments are the most effective options, while laser treatments are helpful in other cases. For severe scarring, steroid injections and surgical treatments may be necessary.

Your dermatologist at Arlington Dermatology can help you find the right treatment to reduce the appearance of your scarring to help you regain your confidence. Find out more about our cosmetic dermatology services in Arlington Heights by calling [company-phone id=1].

scar on back of hand