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How To Prevent Skin Cancer

Feb 10, 2020

Most people know that the sun’s UV rays are incredibly damaging to the skin. Failing to protect your skin from these punishing rays can result in DNA damage, cause your skin to age prematurely, and even lead to skin cancer. Are you doing enough to care for your skin and protect it from harm? Here are some steps you can take in the interest of achieving genuinely healthy skin.

  • Eat well. A nutrient-dense diet, full of fruits and vegetables and high in antioxidants, is useful not just for your skin but for your whole body. Skip processed food, making sure that your diet includes dark green, leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale, and citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits. The nutrition in these foods can reduce your risk of skin cancer by up to fifty percent.
  • Consider a vitamin B3 supplement. Vitamin B3, or nicotinamide, can help prevent skin cancer, according to recent research. One study published by the NIH showed that patients previously diagnosed with basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers saw enhanced DNA repair and a lower risk of future skin cancers when they took 500 milligrams of vitamin B3 twice a day.
  • Choose skincare products that repair your DNA. Your skin’s DNA is continually damaged by things like sun exposure, pollution, and the natural aging process. Your body can naturally heal itself with DNA repair enzymes, but as you age, your ability to self-heal lessens. Fortunately, there are skincare products on the market with DNA repair enzymes derived from natural sources like algae and plankton, and these products can help reverse skin damage.
  • Never skip the sunscreen. Find a sunscreen that you like and enjoy wearing, and get in the habit of wearing it on all exposed skin, every day, all year. Your sunscreen’s SPF should be 30 or higher, and you should also practice other sun-protection habits like seeking out shade and wearing protective clothing and hats.
  • Talk to your dermatologist about laser treatments. Laser resurfacing treatments are effective in reaching the deeper layers of the skin, repairing skin damage and removing pre-cancerous cells. They can also improve scarring, brown spots, uneven skin tones, wrinkles, and fine lights by removing damaged cells and stimulating collagen production. Not only will your appearance improve, but these treatments will also help prevent skin cancer.

It’s important to inspect your body regularly for any skin changes, to detect signs of skin cancer early, but it’s also important to have a dermatologist you can trust. For over 40 years, the Board-Certified dermatologists at Arlington Dermatology have been serving patients, making the health and welfare of our patients our top priority. We offer innovative methods of treatment, using state of the art medical equipment, in our conveniently located, patient-friendly facility in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. For more information, contact us through our website or call 847-392-5440.