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Learn About Our Limited Time Promotion

Jan 15, 2021

We’re always excited about the treatments we offer our clients, but right now, we’re practically beside ourselves! Why? We’ve got a promotion going on that’s a pretty big deal. We’re offering 30 percent off certain products and a free gift with a $40 purchase for a limited time. Not only that, but some of our popular procedures are on sale as well: clients can receive 10 percent off of both chemical peels and microdermabrasion. If you’re not excited yet, read on to learn more about the benefits of these treatments.

  • Microdermabrasion is a safe, effective, non-invasive treatment used to exfoliate the skin gently. By buffing away dead skin cells, it stimulates new skin cells’ growth and boosts collagen production. It works like this: using a diamond-tipped handpiece or spraying a jet of fine microcrystals onto your face, the dermatologist gently buffs your skin. As your skin heals, fresh, new cells give it a brighter, smoother look. In this way, microdermabrasion treats acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, melasma, and enlarged pores. You’ll probably see results after just one visit, but for best results, four to six treatments are recommended. The results of each treatment can last for two weeks to a month.
  • Chemical peels also exfoliate, and they come in three strengths, depending on the type of acid they contain.
    • For minor issues, a light chemical peel can be the right choice because it just penetrates the skin’s upper level for superficial improvements like reducing blemishes and brightening skin.
    • Medium peels are good for acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles because they penetrate a deeper layer of skin. Whereas light peels don’t have side effects beyond temporary redness, mild peeling, and light sensitivity, medium peels carry a risk of infection and can cause redness, swelling, crusting, itching, and peeling. However, they’re still considered quite safe.
    • Deep peels are more serious, requiring sedation and carrying a risk of complications. While deep peels have a long recovery time, they offer dramatic results for photodamage, precancerous growths, and deep scarring.
  • Both treatments exfoliate, so which should you choose? Microdermabrasion effectively addresses superficial skin issues with few side effects and little to no recovery time. If you’ve got more profound problems, like acne scarring and wrinkles, a medium or deep peel provides more noticeable results. Talk to your dermatologist about which treatment is right for you.

Whichever treatment you prefer, now is a great time to try it, while Arlington Dermatology is offering such a great discount! Any time you need a board-certified dermatologist to help you slow the aging process, you can trust us to help you care for your skin. For over 40 years, our Board-Certified dermatologists have been serving patients, making our patients’ health and welfare our top priority. We offer innovative treatment methods using state of the art medical equipment in our conveniently located, patient-friendly facility in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. Contact us or call 847-392-5440.