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Top 10 Reasons to Visit a Dermatologist

Aug 21, 2020

Dermatologists are medical experts that specialize in skin, nail, and hair treatments. You might want to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist instead of your regular doctor if you have concerns about any of the following.

  1. Acne: Mild acne may respond to over-the-counter medicine, but a prescription provides more potent treatment. You’ll need to discuss your condition and specific skincare goals with a dermatologist to determine which treatment is most appropriate.
  2. Abnormal moles or lesions: Large, asymmetrical, ragged-edged, or multi-colored moles could be signs of skin cancer. Rough, raised patches of skin or sores that won’t heal are also cause for concern. Make an appointment with a dermatologist to rule out skin cancer for your peace of mind, or to diagnose your condition and begin treatment.
  3. Eczema: This chronic skin condition is known to cause irritation, itchiness, and flaking. A dermatologist can help you find ways to manage eczema, including prescribing advanced treatments if necessary.
  4. Aging skin: Weather-worn, sun-damaged skin may appear rough, discolored, or leathery. Minimally invasive treatments such as Botox, Dysport, DermaPen®, and Intensive Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy can treat these symptoms of aging skin for a more youthful appearance.
  5. Warts and skin tags: These growths may be harmless, but they can cause discomfort or make you feel self-conscious. Visit a dermatologist to have them removed.
  6. Itchy rashes or hives: If you have an allergic reaction to something that comes in contact with your skin, you may have allergic contact dermatitis. The resulting itchy rash or hives may be unbearable. Topical steroid creams and oral antihistamines from a dermatologist may help.
  7. Sensitive or irritated skin: The condition of your skin may reveal signs of underlying health problems. Does your skin often feel itchy or irritated for no apparent reason? When over-the-counter creams don’t provide relief, you may need to make lifestyle changes to improve your health or use stronger medication from a dermatologist.
  8. Scars: When your skin is cut, burned, or damaged in other ways, scar tissue forms over the injured area. Topical treatments prescribed by a dermatologist can reduce the appearance of scars to help you feel less self-conscious.
  9. Nail disorders: If your nails look anything but smooth and healthy, ask a dermatologist what can be done. Common nail disorders that can be treated include ingrown toenails, bacterial and fungal infections, tumors, cysts, white or dark spots, and splinter hemorrhages.
  10. Hair loss: With the correct diagnosis, balding or thinning hair can often be treated. A dermatologist can recommend laser therapy or other medical interventions for the underlying scalp condition that may be causing your hair loss.

Whether you feel self-conscious about acne scars, nail fungus, or bald spots, or you’re concerned that you may have skin cancer, Arlington Dermatology can help. We offer skin cancer screenings and cosmetic procedures to improve the health and appearance of your skin. Give us a call at (847) 725-0824 to share your concerns with us, or schedule an appointment online.