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Managing and Avoiding Psoriasis Triggers

Dermatology care can alleviate psoriasis symptoms, but dermatologists recommend that patients do their part to avoid psoriasis triggers. This video discusses ways to reduce the chances of a psoriasis flare-up. Food can often bring on a psoriasis attack. In particular,...

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What Can Be Done to Treat Adult Acne?

Acne is commonly considered an unfortunate side effect of being a teenager, but it is frequently a problem for adults as well. When adults experience regular acne outbreaks, the cause may be related to extreme sensitivity in the skin, hormonal fluctuations, or...

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Tips for Living with Psoriasis

If you have psoriasis, you know that there are a number of potential triggers that could cause a painful flare-up of the condition. Therefore, it is best to rethink your daily habits and develop a psoriasis-friendly routine that will keep your exposure to triggers low...

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The Effects of the Sun on Your Skin

After a long and cold Midwestern winter, you may be already envisioning days spent poolside this summer. While the warmer weather offers ample opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors, dermatologists caution against too much sun exposure. Skin damage caused by UVA...

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Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Many people with unwanted body hair wonder if laser hair removal services offered by dermatologists actually work. This video explains just how effective laser hair removal is. Skin care centers remark that laser hair removal is approximately 98 to 99 percent...

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What to Expect from Your First Visit with a Dermatologist

Your first visit to the dermatologist is a step towards maintaining healthy skin for life. During this visit, you’ll establish a relationship with your dermatologist and give them the information they need to shape your skin care plan. Expect your visit to start with...

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Learn More About Psoriasis and Hair Loss

Your health is reflected in the look of your skin and hair. You can find the facts you need about psoriasis and hair loss when you click through these informative websites: Pregnancy and its associated hormonal fluctuations often cause hair loss following childbirth....

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How Psoriasis Is Diagnosed and Treated

Psoriasis is a medical condition that causes dry, scaly patches to appear on your skin. If you think you may have psoriasis, make an appointment with your dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment. Psoriasis is diagnosed with an examination and skin biopsy. Treatment...

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