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What to Expect from Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is widely considered to be the gold standard of skin cancer treatment. Dermatologists can perform it to remove basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are the two most common types of skin cancer. The majority of patients who undergo...

What Can Retinol Serum Do for Your Skin?

Dermatologists recommend retinol serums for individuals of all ages with all skin types. Retinol serums are actually made from vitamin A, which has a remarkable ability to restore youthfulness to the skin. Specifically, this product can make your skin feel firmer and...

A Patient’s Guide to Kybella

Until recently, individuals who were bothered by the appearance of a double chin either lived with it or underwent surgery. Now that the FDA has approved Kybella as a nonsurgical treatment for submental fullness, invasive procedures are no longer necessary to achieve...

The Main Phases of Clinical Trials

The treatments that dermatologists offer for skin conditions like rosacea and acne went through clinical trials before being offered to patients as effective treatment options. If you’d like to know more about this process, then watch this video to learn about the...

Reasons to Participate in Clinical Trials

If you have a skin condition such as actinic keratosis, rosacea, or dermatitis that isn’t responding well to treatment, then your dermatologist may recommend that you participate in a clinical trial. A clinical trial has several phases that test the efficacy and...