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How to Fight Back Against Dry Scalp

If you suffer from dry scalp, winter can be the most challenging time of year to keep your condition under control. Outdoor air is less humid than in warmer months, and unless you run a humidifier, indoor air can be even worse. Hot showers also strip the natural oils...

How Dehydration Impacts Your Hair, Skin, and Nails

The health of your hair, skin, and nails depends on many factors, including staying hydrated. The general rule of thumb is to drink eight cups of water per day, though you may need more than this, depending on your body weight and activity level. If you feel thirsty,...

What Causes Hair Loss?

If you suffer from hair loss, you may notice large amounts of hair collecting in your brush or coming out when you shower. While it’s normal to lose about 100 hairs per day, any more than this may lead to noticeable baldness. Here are eight possible explanations for...