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Nourish and Hydrate Your Skin from Within

Nourish and Hydrate Your Skin from Within Dry, dull skin is skin that needs some extra care. You can slather on skin care products, and that will help, but the best way to keep your skin nourished and hydrated is by changing your consumption habits. What do you do...

Going Make Up Free

  One of the current trends in the beauty world is the idea of going “makeup free.” While some may think this is a silly idea, there are actually many benefits to reducing your makeup use. Your skin will thank you! Let’s take a look at why going makeup free can...

Common Skin Growths

  Skin growths can be a source of both confusion and concern. Many people don’t know the difference between malignant and benign skin growths, or how they can be treated safely and effectively. The team at Arlington Dermatology in Rolling Meadows has put together...

Treatments for Dry Skin in Summer

Itchy, dry, flaky skin can be extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, you can be proactive about keeping your skin from drying out. In the heat of summer or the dry, indoor heated air of fall, it’s easy for skin to get parched in a hurry. Here are some top dermatologist...

10 Skin Care Secrets for Healthier Skin

At Arlington Dermatology, we are committed to helping you keep your skin young and healthy!  Here are 10 skin care secrets that will surprise you! 1. Wear your sunscreen every day! From age 6 months up, sunscreen should be worn daily.  Broad-spectrum protection with...

New Year, New You: When to Visit the Dermatologist

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. This waterproof wrapping is the first line of defense against germs and pollutants, and as such, your skin is a pretty good indicator of your overall health. So, as the New Year gets underway, how can you tell when to visit...