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Preventing Flare-Ups of Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes the skin growth cycle to increase in speed. This leads to a buildup of skin cells that causes thick red patches or silver scales to appear. If you have psoriasis, your dermatologist in Arlington Heights will work with...

Are You at Risk of Developing Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic condition that causes scaly, dry, red patches on the skin. Anyone can get psoriasis, but there are certain things that can increase your risk. It’s important to see a dermatologist for psoriasis treatment in Arlington Heights if you have this...

Psoriasis Triggers to Avoid

Many skin problems can flare up because of triggers, or elements that cause skin inflammation. Psoriasis is one such condition where a particular event or stimulant can suddenly increase its symptoms. Psoriasis treatment in Arlington Heights can provide special...

Managing Stress to Manage Psoriasis

If you live with psoriasis, then you know how difficult it can be to both manage your symptoms during a flare up and to prevent breakouts from occurring in the future. One of the best resources for advice and therapies to use in order to find relief from your...

A Guide to Coping with Psoriasis

Psoriasis, in addition to being miserably itchy, can put you at risk of developing depression and a type of arthritis associated with the condition. Managing your condition with psoriasis treatment in Arlington Heights is a crucial part of coping with it, but there...

The Emotional and Social Effects of Psoriasis on Women

Psoriasis can take an emotional toll on anyone who is undergoing psoriasis treatment in Arlington Heights, but there are some particular effects that tend to impact women more than men. This is due both to these women’s own self-images and to social expectations...