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6 Tips for Healing Dry, Chapped Lips

Your lips are one of the most sensitive areas of your body. Everything from cold, dry weather to sun exposure to licking your lips can make this skin feel dry and chapped. Heal your dry, chapped lips in one to two weeks by following these six tips. Choose...

Why Moisturizing is So Important

Whether your skin is dry, oily, or a combination of the two, moisturizer can help you look and feel your best. Once you understand why moisturizing is so important, you won’t hesitate to incorporate it into your daily skincare routine. Moisturizing Decreases Skin...

Which Foods Can Negatively Impact Your Skin

Diet and skin health are more closely related than you might realize. It’s not surprising when you consider that your skin is a reflection of your total body health. A nutritious diet that keeps your insides healthy goes a long way toward maintaining a beautiful...

14 Foods That Can Help Your Hair and Skin

A balanced diet is essential for good overall health. The food you eat affects every part of your body, including your hair and skin. Here’s what to eat if you want thick, glossy hair and glowing skin. Berries: The rich color of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries,...

Learn How Stress Impacts Your Skin

In small doses, stress can be beneficial. The problem is many people struggle with chronic stress, which can have serious health consequences. In addition to increasing your risk of depression, weakening your immune system, and harming your heart, chronic stress can...