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A Look at the Dangers of Tanning Beds

While visiting a tanning salon is a popular solution for anyone wanting to tan quickly and in the comfort of an indoor environment, it’s critical to realize that the use of these beds may pose a threat to your health. It’s been found that the use of tanning beds can...

Before, During, and After Juvederm Treatment

Juvederm® injectables are popular options in cosmetic dermatology because they can drastically improve a patient’s appearance by adding volume to the skin and reducing the look of folds and wrinkles. When you visit your dermatologist for Juvederm treatment, there are...

What Is Topical Chemotherapy?

If you have basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma, your dermatologist may recommend topical chemotherapy. This skin cancer treatment is an alternative to surgery and to oral or IV medications that affect the entire body. If your dermatologist recommends topical...

Poison Ivy: What You Need to Know

Poison ivy is a plant that causes an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash when people make direct or indirect contact with it. It is not contagious but can cause intense itching and pain. Although many cases can be treated at home, in some instances, it is...