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Meet Courtney Knoebber, M.M.S., PA-C

Arlington Dermatology understands the frustration and fear that can accompany dermatological conditions. Not only can skin conditions cause unwanted cosmetic complications, but also they can lead to life-threatening outcomes. That is why we provide our patients with...

How to Apply Sunscreen

A dermatologist in Arlington Heights can find the early signs of melanoma and carcinoma, two forms of skin cancer. To prevent skin cancer, though, it is important to regularly use sunscreen. This video demonstrates how to properly apply sunscreen. First, you must put...

Conditions Associated with Psoriasis

Many people seek psoriasis treatment in Arlington Heights because of the cosmetic complications that this condition can produce. What some sufferers of this disease may not realize, though, is how psoriasis can lead to other health concerns. A dermatologist who...

Wise Up to Winter Skin Care [INFOGRAPHIC]

When temperatures fall, does your skin health fall with them? If so, you’re not alone. Winter takes a major toll on skin for a number of reasons. One is that cold air tends to be less humid than warm air, so your skin takes in less moisture. Another is that the...

Treatment Options for Actinic Keratosis

Melanoma and carcinoma are two forms of skin cancer that often develop because of sun exposure. However, dermatologists warn that sun exposure can trigger the development of other skin conditions that may not immediately denote skin cancer. Actinic keratosis is one...