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Anti-Inflammatory Skincare Solutions

  At Arlington Dermatology in Rolling Meadows, IL, we understand how difficult it can be to manage inflamed skin. Whether your skin is red, itchy, or breaking out, there are a variety of anti-inflammatory skincare solutions that can help you keep your skin...

Protect Your Skin This Winter with These Simple Tips

  Winter can be a tricky season for our skin. All the cold, dry air, combined with indoor heat, low humidity levels and winter winds can wreak havoc on our complexions. From sunburns to windburns to drying out of your skin–it’s important to take extra...

Anti-Inflammatory Skincare Solutions

  At Arlington Dermatology in Rolling Meadows, IL, we understand how difficult it can be to manage inflamed skin. Whether your skin is red, itchy, or breaking out, there are a variety of anti-inflammatory skincare solutions that can help you keep your skin...

How to Determine Your Skin Type

Many people don’t know what type of skin they have or even how to find out. However, this is essential information when buying skincare products, selecting dermatology services, and making beneficial lifestyle changes. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to determine your...

How Dermatologists Diagnose and Treat Acne

Acne breakouts are uncomfortable on a physical and emotional level and, if left untreated, can lead to permanent scarring. Studies show that acne affects one in four people worldwide and up to 85 percent of teenagers. In addition, acne leads to poor self-esteem,...

Top 7 Foods That Can Cause Acne

Did you know that acne affects almost ten percent of the world’s population? This common skin condition has many causes, including bacteria, hormones, blocked pores, inflammation, and the body’s sebum and keratin production. So it may not surprise you to learn that...