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Spotlight on Scabies

Scabies is a common skin problem caused by microscopic mites, called human itch mites. These tiny, virtually invisible bugs burrow into the top layer of the skin to lay their eggs. The skin’s response to the mites causes the characteristic rash of scabies. A...

Understanding SPF

SPF stands for sun protection factor. You’ve likely seen it on sunscreen labels. It’s a measure of how effective the product is at blocking the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Dermatologists typically recommend choosing sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, and...

FAQs About Skin Scars

Scars are frequently left in the wake of injuries to the skin, from minor cuts to major burns. Although scars are not harmful, they can be frustrating, and most people who have them wish that they weren’t there. There aren’t any treatments that can make a scar vanish...

Is Tanning Ever Safe?

Despite the risk of skin cancer being well known, many people can’t resist trying to get a tan. They feel like they look and feel better with tanned skin, and they ignore the information that they have heard from their dermatologists. Is there any safe way to get a...